Voice Biometrics Mismatch Calculator
The Mismatch Calculator is designed to help you understand the real world impact of different False Accept and False Reject assumptions in Voice Biometric authentication applications.
How to use the tool
This tool calculates and then visualises the real number of rejects and false accepts you are likely to experience and visualise the results.The visualisation excludes True Accepts (when the genuine customer is correctly authenticated) as these would dwarf all other metrics. All other outcomes are calculated and visualised in proportion to each other in the treemap. With most realistic assumptions you can see that the proportion of rejects that come from genuine customers is significantly greater than those from fraudsters. In many cases, you can not see the small volume of False Accepts from Fraudsters but it is calculated in the results panel. As you adjust assumptions about the attack and false accept rate you can see these values change.The advanced version of this tool includes assumptions about the rate of non-malicious imposters that a system may be exposed to and because in many cases these are from parties related to the genuine customers allows you to adjust assumptions about how much more likely these callers are to be Falsely Accepted than the average caller.